Candida or Yeast Overgrowth

Bacterial Imbalance Can Cause Serious Health Conditions.

What is yeast overgrowth or candidiasis? Candida albicans is a yeast or fungus that is normally present on the skin and in the mouth, throat, intestines, and vagina. When the healthy bacteria in your intestines are thrown out of balance. such as when you take an antibiotic, this yeast can flourish and grow out of control. This creates a condition of yeast overgrowth, called candidiasis, and it can affect virtually any organ in the body. causing a myriad of negative health symptoms.

Yeast overgrowth can also cause thrush, a white coating on the tongue. Even worse, yeast produces toxins that depress your immune system. making you more reactive to allergies and more susceptible to infections. This often leads to more frequent use of antibiotics, the killing of additional good bacteria, and more yeast overgrowth. This vicious cycle is hard to break. Call Denton Combs Center for Excellence in Care in Sioux Falls, SD to learn more.


  • Abdominal Cramps and Indigestion
  • Abdominal Bloating
  • Abominal Pain
  • Athlete's Foot
  • Belching
  • Chemical Sensitivity
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive Gas
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Heartburn
  • Hives
  • Joint Pain
  • Immune Suppression
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Muscle Aches
  • Nail Fungal Infections
  • Skin Rashes
  • Vaginal Yeast Infections

What causes yeast (Candida) sensitivity?

Yeast sensitivity is caused by an overgrowth of yeast, primarily in the colon, which is the large intestine. Although antibiotics are the worst culprit for causing yeast overgrowth, the use of birth control pills and steroids are also known to stimulate yeast overpopulation. Women who take repeated courses of antibiotics often develop vaginal yeast infections as healthy bacteria are destroyed and Candida proliferates. As yeast toxins are absorbed in the colon and enter the bloodstream, they cause symptoms beyond these sites.What problems does yeast overgrowth cause in the body?Yeast is in the same family as mold and fungus. Once yeast overgrows in the colon, it is like weeds in a garden. It cannot be eradicated unless it is killed.

Yeast in the system causes two problems:

  1. It produces toxins which depress the immune system and make it more reactive to allergy, which leads to more infections and more antibiotics, the killing of more good bacteria, and a further increase in yeast levels;
  2. An individual with increased levels of yeast in his system often becomes allergic to yeast. and therefore, allergic to food products which contain yeast, such as wine, beer, breads. etc.

Once yeast is overgrown in the large intestine, there is an imbalance in the normal microbacterial flora of the colon so that we get less normal healthy bacteria and more yeast.

What is the function of "good bacteria" in our body?

As newborns, our large intestines are colonized by beneficial bacteria with tongue-twisting names like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifodobacteria bifidum. These bacteria, acquired from our mothers as we pass through the birth canal, perform a number of functions in our bodies. They manufacture B vitamins, aid in the digestion and absorption of food, and provide a barrier on the mucosa] lining of these various tissues, preventing abnormal bacteria and yeast from entering the system. Besides coexisting peacefully in the colon, beneficial bacteria also reside in the mucous membranes of the throat and in the vagina. These good bacteria live within us in a symbiotic, friendly relationship.

How do antibiotics affect yeast in the system?

Whenever an individual takes antibiotics, those antibiotics are meant to kill abnormal bacteria in whatever location the infection exists, whether the infections is sinusitis. pharyngitis, bronchitis or any other infection. Unfortunately, the antibiotics kill not only bad bacteria, but they also kill normal or good bacteria in other areas of the body. Women often will develop yeast vaginitis. Although yeast vaginitis may be treated, the primary reservoir for yeast is within the colon. When you take a course of antibiotics. populations of all bacteria plummet - not just the harmful ones that are the target of the drug, but also the beneficial ones that keep you healthy. At the same time, yeast populations increase because they are not harmed by the antibiotics that kill their normal bacterial competitors.

How do you test for yeast overgrowth?

A blood test can measure the levels of Candida antibodies. While high levels of antibodies are indicative of yeast overgrowth, some patients with a severely depressed immune system do not respond appropriately to Candida and instead show normal or even low levels of antibodies. For this reason, and because laboratory test provide only a snapshot of a patient's health status, we rely on the patient's history and symptoms to determine the likelihood and extent of a yeast problem. Each patient is asked questions relating to their history of infections and other illnesses, their diet, the symptoms they are experiencing, and their past and current use of antibiotics and other prescription drugs. Although antibiotics are the worst culprit behind yeast overgrowth, we also ask patients about their use of steroids and in females, their use of birth control pills and estrogen. These drugs are known to stimulate yeast growth.